This page contains an index consisting of author-provided keywords.
- | |
- frekvencijski opseg | |
- horizontalna ravan | |
- Karakteristika usmerenosti | |
- rotaciono postolje | |
1 | |
12 pulse | |
2 | |
2D materijali | |
3 | |
3D model | |
3D printing | |
3G-SDI | |
4 | |
4G | |
4K | |
5 | |
5/3 filtri | |
6 | |
6-pulse | |
65 nm CMOS | |
A | |
A/D conversion | |
A/D convertors | |
ABS | |
absorption | |
AC-DC power conversion | |
Acceleration intensity | |
accelerometer | |
ACiD | |
acoustic measurements | |
Acoustic signals | |
active elements | |
Active Filters | |
active imaging | |
Active inductor | |
Active power filters | |
activity measurement | |
adaptability | |
adaptive control | |
Adaptive filtering | |
ADAS sistemi zasnovani na kamerama | |
adhesion | |
agriculture | |
Akcelerometar | |
akcelerometri | |
akreditovane laboratorije | |
akusticka klasifikcija | |
alkail metal ions | |
Alpha blending | |
analiza šuma | |
analizator mreža | |
analog systems | |
Analog-to-Digital Converter | |
Analysis | |
Android | |
Angular dependence | |
Anomaly detection | |
antena | |
antenna arrays | |
antenski niz | |
Anti-lock Braking Systems | |
antiparallel configuration | |
Anuliranje reda sistema | |
approximate formulas | |
Aproksimacija | |
apsolutni nivo snage | |
architecture | |
Arduino | |
Arduino Uno | |
Array electrode | |
artificial neural network | |
artificial neural networks | |
asinhrono uzorkovanje | |
Assessment | |
associated table | |
asynchronous communication | |
asynchronous distributed algorithms | |
Atmospheric turbulence | |
Audio analysis | |
Audio grabber | |
audio signal | |
automated modeling | |
automated translation | |
automatic sound recognition | |
automatic speaker recognition | |
Automotive | |
avion | |
Axially symmetric antenna | |
ažuriranje | |
B | |
Balanced | |
Band pass filter | |
BaTiO3 | |
BaTiO3-ceramics | |
batteries | |
beamforming | |
Being | |
beta particles induced X-ray spectrometry | |
bezbjednosno-kritični sistemi | |
Big data | |
Bikonusna antena | |
binary phase-shift keying | |
Biochemical sensors | |
biosensor | |
Birkhoff von Neumann architecture | |
bit error rate | |
Blind equalization | |
bluetooth low energy | |
Boost | |
Boundary Value Analysis | |
brake power | |
breast cancer | |
Broj štapova rotora | |
Buggy | |
building materials | |
Burdonova cev | |
BVA | |
C | |
cable | |
cable-suspended parallel robot | |
Camera Link | |
Camera networks | |
capacitance per unit length | |
capacitive divider power supply | |
Carbon Monoxide | |
Cassandra database | |
cepstral coefficients | |
Character Segmentation | |
chemical sensor | |
CIGRE test grids | |
cijanidin | |
cik-cak ivice | |
circuit-breaker | |
circular antenna | |
cirkularna polarizacija | |
cloud | |
Cloud Computing | |
CloudSim | |
CMA-ES | |
CNN | |
code coverage | |
Code generation | |
COM model | |
Combiner | |
Combline filters | |
comfort | |
communication delays | |
communication interfaces | |
Compiler optimization | |
complex potentials | |
compliant mechanisms | |
component selection | |
composite system | |
computer algebra system | |
computer based instrument | |
consensus | |
Consumer electronics | |
continuum robots | |
contrast enhancement | |
Controlling systems | |
convergence | |
Conversational agent | |
conversion | |
converter | |
Coplanar strips (CPS) | |
Coplanar waveguide (CPW) | |
Copper-Nickel Films | |
Copy-Move | |
Corona | |
Correct correlation probability | |
counter | |
covariance matrices | |
Critical coupling | |
Crosstalk | |
cryptology | |
cryptool | |
crystal filters | |
Cs-137 leakage | |
CSC | |
current conveyor | |
Current Densities | |
current mixers | |
current mode circuits | |
CV karakteristike | |
cycling | |
D | |
daljinska kontrola | |
daljinski nadzor | |
Daljinsko upravljanje | |
damping factor | |
data acquisition | |
Data association | |
Data mining | |
DC link current minimization | |
DC-link voltage oscillation | |
De-noising | |
Death Drive | |
debugger | |
Decentralized adaptation | |
decision feedback equalizer | |
deep learning | |
Deep-subwavelength absorber | |
dehazing | |
Denavit-Hartenberg parameters | |
detection | |
detekcija AC nule | |
Detekcija manevra | |
deterministic time response | |
deterministički Ethernet | |
deviation | |
DFT | |
Dielektrik sa velikom vrednošću dielektrične konstantom | |
difference between models | |
differential DAC array | |
differential drive | |
difuzna reprezentacija | |
Digital audio systems | |
Digital Broadcasting and Broadband Technologies | |
Digital filters | |
Digital Predistortion | |
digital radiography | |
Digital signal processing | |
Digital Standard Cell | |
digital systems | |
Digital television | |
digitalna televizija | |
digitalni voltmetar | |
dijagonalna reprezentacija | |
dijagram zračenja antene | |
dinamika signala | |
dipol | |
Directive 2002/49/EC | |
direktna digitalna sinteza | |
diskretna digitalna Furijeova transformacija | |
Distribuirani Sistemi | |
Distributed Generation testing | |
distributed intelligence | |
Distributed multi-target tracking | |
distributed power | |
Divider | |
DOA estimation | |
Doppler Beam Sharpening | |
Doppler radar | |
Double -Weibull | |
double potential barrier | |
Drawing Test | |
drift correction | |
driving assistance | |
DSP algorithm | |
DTV Sistem | |
DTW algorithm | |
dual band filters | |
duboko učenje | |
duration of the transient | |
DVBC | |
Dvodimenzionalna direktna DWT | |
Dvodimenzionalna inverzna DWT | |
dvoslojni | |
dvostruke pregrade | |
DXE | |
dynamic element of the first order | |
dynamics | |
džiter | |
E | |
E&M Low Frequency Fields | |
ECG signal | |
edge states | |
education | |
EEG | |
efektivna vrednost | |
Effective resolution | |
efficiency simulations | |
Efikasna hardverska implementacija | |
eksperimentalna procedura | |
elastic ropes with one mode | |
elastic scattering | |
Electrical engineering | |
Electrical Power | |
electro-optical system | |
electrodeposition | |
electromagnetic actuator | |
electron | |
electrooculography (EOG) | |
Electrotactile stimulation | |
elektromagnetska emisija | |
elektromagnetska kompatibilnost | |
Elektromagnetski momenat | |
elektronska struktura | |
Elektronske alarmne sirene | |
ELM algorithm | |
EM modeling | |
emanation | |
embedded | |
embedded sistem | |
Embedded system | |
emocionalna inteligencija | |
emulacija | |
emulator | |
encoders | |
energetska elektornika | |
energy conservation | |
energy efficiency | |
Engset system | |
environmental noise | |
environmental noise indicators | |
EP | |
Epilepsy | |
Equal gain combining | |
equalization | |
Equivalence Partitioning | |
Erasmus plus | |
etalon | |
etaloniranje | |
Euler angles | |
euRobotics | |
European Robotics | |
event bus | |
evolving Takagi-Sugeno-Kang fuzzy models | |
existing wall | |
experimental hardware solution | |
eye lens dose | |
F | |
facial expressions | |
facility design | |
Failure prediction | |
fair service | |
Farrow structure | |
fast network I/O | |
FDTD | |
Fe-Cu-V-Si-B legura | |
FES | |
FET | |
filter design | |
filter sensitivity | |
Filters | |
Filtriranje | |
filtriranje neželjenih poruka | |
FinFET | |
FIR | |
fixation density map | |
flexi-ble robots | |
Flexible automation | |
fleš memorije | |
fluorescent in situ hybridization | |
FM modulation/demodulation | |
Foot Drop | |
force measurements | |
force sensor | |
forgery | |
fosforen | |
fotoosetljivi pigment | |
FPGA | |
FPID | |
FPU | |
FPXX | |
fractals | |
fractional calculus | |
fractional order elements | |
fractional transmission line model | |
fraktal | |
frame forwarding | |
FRED | |
free-space optics | |
Freedom | |
Frequency Deviation | |
FSO transmission | |
full-wave electromagnetic simulation | |
Funkcija gustine verovatnoće | |
Future | |
fuzzy linear space | |
G | |
gait cycle | |
game engine alati | |
GaN | |
gas sensor | |
GCC | |
GCOV | |
generalized frequency response | |
generator test signala | |
Genetic Algorithm | |
gestikulacije | |
GMM | |
GOLD | |
granica dometa sirena | |
Green’s function | |
grey wolf optimization algorithm | |
greška merenja | |
Grid Connected Converter | |
grid connected converters | |
ground reaction force | |
gyroscope | |
Gysel | |
H | |
H2020 | |
half-rate connection | |
Half-value layer | |
Halftone image | |
Hard disk drive | |
hardness factor | |
hardware design | |
hash collision | |
hash table | |
HDMI | |
HDR слика | |
heart rate variability | |
heartbeat | |
heavy water of the RA reactor | |
helical edge states | |
Heterometallics | |
Hexiwear | |
HgTe | |
Hibridni STB | |
Hidden Markov Models | |
hierarchical model | |
High dynamic range | |
High register pressure | |
High Voltage Alternating Current | |
High Voltage Direct Current | |
higher education | |
HIL testiranje | |
HLAI | |
HLS | |
HMD | |
honeybee | |
HORMESIS model | |
HPGe and NaI detectors | |
HTTP | |
Human Body | |
human visual attention | |
Hyper-redundant | |
Hölder exponent | |
I | |
I/O Cell | |
I/Q imbalance | |
IEEE test grids | |
IIR filters | |
image enhancement | |
image forensics | |
image merging | |
Image processing | |
image statistics | |
image stitching | |
impact noise | |
impedance tube | |
Impulsna termografija | |
IMS | |
in situ measurement | |
incidentna zvučna energija | |
Induction machines | |
induction motor | |
industrial robotics | |
industrijski softver | |
industry noise | |
inelastic scattering | |
Inertial sensors | |
infinite tunneling times | |
infracrveni senzor | |
Integral equations | |
Integral Nonlinearity | |
Integrated circuits | |
inteligent tutoring system | |
intelligent manufacturing system | |
intenzit nivoa sivog | |
intenzitet zvuka | |
intenzitetska sonda | |
Internet of Things | |
interpolacija | |
interpreter | |
interventional cardiology | |
intra-cell traffic | |
Invariant code motion | |
inverse scattering problem | |
Inverzni 5/3 filtri | |
ionizing radiation | |
IoT | |
IPTV | |
IR Distance Sensors | |
iracionalne funkcije prenosa | |
iris biometric | |
iris recognition | |
ISA | |
ISM opseg | |
ivična stanja | |
izolaciona moć | |
izviđački radar | |
J | |
jednosmerna struja | |
jezgro Linuksa | |
JIT | |
Joint Entropy Maximization criterion | |
jontoforeza | |
JSON | |
K | |
Ka band | |
kalibracija | |
Kalman filter | |
Kalman filtering | |
Kavezni asinhroni motor | |
Kinect | |
kinematics | |
klasifikacija | |
Klizni režimi višeg reda | |
Knapsack Problem | |
Koeficijent stojećeg talasa | |
kompajler | |
kompozitni etalonski otpornik | |
kompresija | |
kontrolisana dostava | |
Konvolucijske neuronske mreže | |
kriptografija | |
kurkumin | |
Kvalitet servisa | |
kvantizacija | |
L | |
LabVIEW | |
Lagranzeov interpolacioni polinom | |
Lambert W function | |
Langevin’s transducer | |
Laplacian pyramid | |
laser illumination | |
laser range finder | |
Laser scanning | |
Laser triangulation | |
LC filter | |
Least Squares | |
Levenberg-Marquardt algoritam | |
lexicon | |
library | |
Lightning overvoltage | |
linear antenna array | |
Linear regression | |
linearization | |
Linuks | |
linux kernel modules | |
LMS | |
LNT model | |
Localization | |
Logatomes | |
lokalizacija | |
long range surveillance | |
long-range imaging | |
lookup table | |
loss | |
low cost data acquisition system | |
low-voltage grid | |
Lua | |
LuaJIT | |
M | |
Machine learning | |
Machine-Typed Documents | |
machinery | |
magnetic levitation systems | |
Magnetomechanical effect | |
magnetometer | |
Malaga distribution | |
malterisanje | |
manometer | |
master and slave controller | |
Mathematical modeling | |
Matlab | |
Matlab-Simulink | |
Matlab/Simulink model | |
Matrix fill time | |
Max-ortho basis functions | |
mašina stanja | |
mašinsko učenje | |
MCNP-5 code | |
measurement | |
Measurement Error | |
measurement strategy | |
measurement uncertainty | |
measuring circuit | |
measuring system | |
mechanical design | |
medical image processing | |
medical images | |
mel-frequency cepstral coefficients | |
Memory cells | |
memory effects | |
memory intensive problems | |
memristor | |
MEMS | |
merenje | |
merenje kvaliteta električne energije | |
merenje otpornosti | |
merenje signala | |
Merna nesigurnost | |
metamaterials | |
Metaporous material | |
Method of moments | |
metrologija | |
Metrology | |
međulaboratorijsko poređenje | |
MFCC | |
micro-impedances | |
microfabrication | |
microfluidic sensor | |
microfluidics | |
microhardness | |
microphone | |
microphone array | |
microphone frequency response | |
Microstrip | |
Microstrip antennas | |
microstructure | |
microwave filters | |
microwave imaging | |
Microwave position sensor | |
Microwave tomography | |
middlebox | |
mikrofonski niz | |
Mikrokanalna ploča | |
mikrokontroler | |
miliommetar | |
MIM capacitors | |
MIMO | |
MIPS | |
MIPS64 | |
mismatch | |
ML estimator | |
mm-Wave Doppler radar | |
mobile robot | |
Mobile telephony | |
mobilni telekomunikacioni sistemi | |
Modbus RTU | |
Modeling | |
Modified digital stochastic measurement (MDSM) | |
Modifikovana peč antena | |
modifikovani spektrogram | |
Monte Carlo | |
Monte Carlo method | |
Monte Carlo simulation | |
Motion estimation | |
motocikl | |
movement analysis | |
MPFB | |
mSwitch | |
multi agent | |
Multi-axis drive | |
multi-criteria optimization | |
multi-robot system | |
multi-scale processing | |
multi-sensor imaging system | |
Multi-step consensus | |
multiconductor transmission lines | |
multifractal spectrum | |
multimetar | |
Multinominal linear regression | |
multisenzorska platforma | |
multistage decimator | |
Myoelectric control | |
N | |
nanoring | |
nanorings | |
nanotrake | |
napon smetnji | |
nedestruktivno testiranje | |
negation | |
nesigurnost | |
network performance evaluation | |
neural network | |
neural networks | |
Neutrons | |
New technological approaches | |
night clubs on the river | |
NIR | |
nivo zvuka alarmnih signala | |
Njutnov interpolacioni polinom | |
NLOS propagacija | |
noise | |
noise control | |
noise detection and isolation | |
noise mapping | |
noise parameters | |
noise wave model | |
noise wave parameters | |
Non-Linear Measurement Equation | |
nonlinear internal model control | |
nonlinear loads | |
nonlinear magnetics | |
nonlinear mathematical modeling | |
nonlinear model | |
nozzle | |
Nuclear weapon | |
numerical calibration of Ge detector | |
numerical simulation | |
O | |
objektivna procena kvaliteta slika | |
obrada slike | |
Occlusion of objects | |
occupational exposure control | |
OCR | |
Octave bands | |
odometry | |
ograničen izvor napajanja | |
oksidacija | |
ON-OFF kontrola | |
open office | |
open source | |
operation line | |
Optical Multilayers | |
optical receivers | |
optimal control | |
optimizacija pozicija | |
optimization | |
optoelektronski sistemi | |
orijentacija | |
OSL dosimeters | |
Osseointegration | |
otpor kontrolisan naponom | |
OTT | |
Outage probability | |
outdoor sound propagation | |
ozvučavanje | |
očuvanje parametara gradijenta | |
P | |
packet processing | |
packet routing | |
packet switching | |
Paillier encryption scheme | |
paketski gubici | |
Pametni sat | |
Parallel Algorithms | |
paralysis | |
parametri rasejanja | |
paraplegic | |
partial pose measurement | |
particle PHD filter | |
Passengers | |
Past | |
path planning | |
pattern recognition | |
PCI Express | |
PDMS | |
Pelton Turbine | |
pendulum test | |
Perfect absorption | |
performance | |
permanent noise monitoring | |
person detection counter | |
peč antena | |
phase and frequency offset estimation | |
phase shifter | |
Phase-shifted carrier (PSC) | |
phosphorene | |
photo interrupter sensor | |
Photoacoustic measuring system | |
PI controller | |
PID | |
PID kontrola | |
planarna struktura | |
Plasmonics | |
PLL | |
PLP RASTA filtering | |
PMU | |
podela na intervale | |
pointing errors | |
poisoning | |
pojačavač signala | |
pojačavač slike | |
Polynomial-based filters | |
porous materials | |
površina cilja na slici | |
Power Amplifiers | |
Power grid | |
power grids | |
Power harmonics | |
Power model | |
Power profiling | |
Power Quality | |
Power system measurements | |
power systems | |
power transformers | |
power transistor | |
precision rectifier | |
Present | |
pressure | |
pretraživanje podataka | |
Printed antenna arrays with 3D reflector surfaces | |
Printed antenna structures | |
pritisak | |
problem based learning | |
process control | |
Products inspection | |
profiling | |
Programabilni sistem na čipu | |
programski prevodilac | |
Projektovanje klizne površi | |
PROMETHEE method | |
Proprioceptive feedback | |
Prosthetic hand | |
Protokol Ažuriranja u Dve Faze | |
proton | |
prozor | |
PSoC | |
PTCR effect | |
Pulsacije elektromagnetskog momenta | |
Pulse width modulation (PWM) | |
pulsni strujni izvor | |
Punotalasni ispravljač | |
Python | |
python library | |
Q | |
QAM | |
QEMU | |
Quadrature signal processing | |
quantum spin Hall effect | |
quartz filter | |
QV curve | |
R | |
R-peak detection | |
radarski sistemi | |
Radiation protection | |
radiation safety | |
Radioactive Waste | |
radon diffusion coefficient | |
radon exhalation | |
RAID | |
Range Doppler algoritam | |
Raspberry Pi | |
raspberryPi | |
raspodela uglova incidencije | |
razvoj softvera | |
reactive agents | |
reactive power | |
Real-time | |
realno vreme | |
Recursive Least Squares algorithm | |
redundant manipulator | |
referentni otpornik | |
reflection coefficient | |
Refleksija | |
register bank | |
rehabilitation | |
Relativni red | |
Reliability | |
Renewable energy sources | |
Resolution | |
Resonance frequency characteristics | |
resonators | |
resource allocation | |
respiration | |
respiratory signal | |
Retrieval | |
Rezolucija po azimutu | |
RF communications | |
RFIC | |
road traffic noise | |
robot | |
robot arm | |
Robotic gripper | |
robotska glava | |
robustness | |
roletna | |
Room impulse response | |
Rotor slot harmonics | |
Rotorovi žljebni harmonici | |
RS232 port | |
RTL design | |
S | |
Safety system | |
sampling period | |
scanning antenna | |
scheduling | |
Schroeder diffuser | |
SCI | |
SDMM | |
SEER | |
semi-permanent noise monitoring | |
sensor | |
Sensors | |
Sensory Feedback | |
sentiment analysis | |
Sequential Monte Carlo | |
Serbian language | |
serial communication | |
serial link | |
serial peripheral interface bus | |
Serijska komunikacija | |
Set top box | |
set-top-boks | |
settling time | |
short wordlength | |
Shoulder/Elbow Movements | |
SiC diode | |
Signal processing | |
signal procssing | |
silicene | |
silicijum dioksid | |
simplified calculation method | |
simulacja zvučnog polja | |
Simulation | |
simultanost | |
single target tracking | |
singular systems | |
singularly impulsive systems | |
Sinhrofazori | |
sinhronizacija | |
sinhronizovanost | |
Sinusoidalan signal | |
SIP | |
Skalarni analizator mreže | |
Slot | |
Slow sound | |
small dose | |
smart phone | |
smart system | |
Smith Predictor | |
SoC | |
social humanoid robot | |
soft robots | |
softvera | |
Softverska Transakciona Memorija | |
software | |
solarne ćelije | |
solenoid | |
Solid-state | |
solvability | |
Sonification | |
sound | |
sound diffusion | |
sound insulation | |
sound masking systems | |
Sound power | |
Sound reduction | |
sound scattering | |
spasticity assessment | |
spatio-temporal spectrum sensing | |
Speaker recognition | |
specific electrical resistance | |
spectrum analyzer | |
speech privacy | |
Speech recognition | |
speech transmission index | |
Speed estimation | |
SPI | |
SPICE modeling | |
spin-orbit interaction | |
split-ring rezonator | |
square quantum dots | |
srednja vrednost | |
start-up transient | |
state-of-charge | |
Static Power Converters | |
Statistical analysis | |
STB | |
steel shaft | |
stochastic approximation | |
stochastic time response | |
stohastika | |
stopband attenuation | |
Strip-line | |
Stroke | |
strujni izvor | |
strujni šant | |
Sub-threshold design | |
Subjective tests | |
subjektivna i objektivna procena kvaliteta videa | |
substrate integrated waveguide | |
Superabsorbers | |
support vector machines | |
surrogate model | |
surveillance imaging | |
surveillance system | |
SUS motor | |
sustainable architecture | |
SWIR | |
SWIR imager | |
switch | |
Switched capacitor DAC | |
Symmetrical microstrip lines | |
Synthetic Aperture Radar | |
System on Chip | |
T | |
tagovi | |
Target tracking | |
TCAD simulacija | |
Telemedicine | |
temperature compensation | |
teorija spregnutih modova | |
terenska izolaciona moć | |
termovizija | |
Testing | |
Testiranje softvera | |
tetraplegic | |
THD Factor | |
THD fundamental | |
THD root mean square | |
the critical time constant | |
the tight binding | |
thermal energy harvesting | |
thermal gains | |
thermal losses | |
thermoelectric generator | |
thin film | |
thin multilayered panel | |
Third-octave bands | |
thyristor | |
TIA | |
Time complexity | |
time delay | |
Time Difference of Arrival | |
time synchronization | |
titanijum dioksid | |
titanium dioxide | |
TL dosimeters | |
TOA metode | |
topological insulators | |
Torque | |
torsion | |
Traffic Models | |
traffic simulation | |
Traffic Simulations | |
Traffic surveillance | |
transfer function | |
transient analysis | |
transmission | |
transmission coefficient | |
Transmission lines | |
Transmission loss | |
transport | |
Transportation | |
Tremor monitoring | |
triple-inverter amplifier | |
tritium high-level activity | |
true RMS | |
truncated wedge | |
Truth | |
TTEthernet | |
Two wave with diffuse power fading | |
U | |
ubrzanje | |
ugaon raspodela energije | |
UHD | |
Uncertainty Estimation | |
under actuated mechanism | |
unikernel | |
Uninterruptible power supply | |
unperturbed soil samples | |
Upgraded Petri Net | |
USB 3.0 | |
uticaj malih otvora | |
Uvezivač | |
uvijena DFT | |
V | |
variable threshold | |
Vehicle | |
Vehicle tracking | |
Velgrind | |
verbal and nonverbal communication | |
Verification | |
verovatnoća greške | |
VHDL | |
vibracije | |
video grebovanje | |
video reprodukcija | |
video signal | |
Virtuelna stvarnost | |
visoka pouzdanost | |
vizuelni značaj | |
višeslojne HfO2/Al2O3 strukture | |
višestruki modovi prostiranja | |
VMP20 | |
VMPCalc ver. 2.1 | |
voltage measurements | |
vreme | |
vreme integracije | |
VSC | |
W | |
Watch microelectronics | |
Water Pump | |
Wavelet | |
Wearable | |
Web aplikacija | |
Whi-Spe database | |
Whispered speech | |
wide band gap semiconductor | |
wireless sensor network node | |
Wireless Sensor Networks | |
Wolf Motor Function Test | |
Wolfram language | |
workspace mapping | |
X | |
X-ray | |
XML | |
XML Technologies | |
XRD анализа | |
Z | |
Zero Crossing Technique | |
zero steady-state error | |
Zid | |
zvucna izolacija | |
zvučna izolacija | |
zvučna izolaciona moć | |
č | |
četvorožično merenje | |
š | |
šum detektora | |
šum fluktuacije zračenja scene | |
В | |
Волтерина интегрална једначина | |
Г | |
ГТЦС модел | |
Д | |
ДТА анализа | |
М | |
МИ ефекат | |
МИ сензор | |
Мапирана HDR слика | |
Метод квадратура | |
Н | |
Нумеричке методе | |
О | |
Објективна процена квалитета слике | |
П | |
Повратни удар | |
л | |
лансер | |
м | |
метастабилна легура | |
х | |
холограм | |
холографска антена | |
“ | |
“half rule” |